Opencart Google shopping integration extension by Knowband

Google is an extremely well-known internet searcher who previously made a major name in the field of online business. The web index is essentially affecting the development odds of eCommerce stores to an enormous level. Initially, it improves the exhibition of your eCommerce store by giving top-notch item feed to contact the opportune individuals with significant item advertisements. With Google Shopping, internet shopping destinations can show their item pictures and cost at the upper right part of the indexed lists. Google Shopping is significantly fueled by two stages: AdWords and Google Merchant Center. Google Merchant Center is where you can make your item feed live. AdWords is any place your genuine looking efforts are framed. you’ll set your financial plan, deal with your offers, gain bits of knowledge, and make advancements upheld execution in Google AdWords.

The OpenCart Google Shopping Integration module naturally adjusts all the results of the OpenCart eCommerce store and the necessary settings to the Google Merchant Center Account. The OpenCart Google Shopping Feed Integration expansion gives the quickest and the least demanding board to win tremendous perceivability for your items and site in an extremely brief timeframe. By utilizing OpenCart Google Shopping Integration Extension store administrator can transfer their item feeds to Google Shopping without any problem.

Key advantages of Google Shopping Integration Module:

  • Map whole OpenCart class to Google Shopping
  • Compatible for the multi-shop condition.
  • Admin can bar items dependent on explicit conditions like items under a particular cost
  • Products without novel identifiers (EAN13/JAN or UPC)
  • Easily deal with the different characteristic gatherings for Color, Size, Gender, Pattern and some more.
  • It will spare your part of time and exertion for manual item feed.

How can it work?

Initially, the administrator needs to introduce the module and arrange it. You will likewise discover the client manual with the bit by bit subtleties to design the module. Knowband offers free establishment and design administrations, on the off chance that you need any assistance for the module establishment, at that point don’t hesitate to contact our help group. When the arrangement has been finished the administrator will have the option to utilize the OpenCart Google Shopping joining to mechanize the posting cycle. To set up the Google Shopping Integration Module the OpenCart store administrator need to produce the API scratches (all the means to create the API key are referenced in the client manual) and once the arrangement has been finished it is anything but difficult to deal with the Google Shopping store posting.

Seller Benefits of Knowband’s OpenCart Google Shopping Integration Plugin:

  • OpenCart Google Shopping Marketplace Integration permits the store administrator to well-position their items on Google Shopping in the most limited time length.
  • OpenCart Google Shopping Marketplace Integration Module makes it simpler for the store administrator to interface the store and rundown the items.
  • The OpenCart Google Shopping Marketplace Integration Extension makes it simpler to set up the association. This should be possible in a couple of straightforward advances.
  • OpenCart Google Shopping Marketplace Integration Plugin offers profile-based item transfer. Subsequently, the items can be recorded in mass and stock can be made do effortlessly.
  • With the assistance of the Google Shopping OpenCart Integration, the store administrator can plan the classifications of the OpenCart with the class of Google Shopping.
  • Multiple classes of OpenCart can be planned with a solitary classification of Google Shopping by means of Google Shopping OpenCart API Integration.
  • The administrator can eliminate the class at a solitary snap from the back-finish of the OpenCart Google Shopping API Integration.
  • The ascribes of the items can be planned with the property of Google Shopping with the assistance of the Google Shopping OpenCart Connector.
  • OpenCart Google Shopping synchronization module can transfer a large number of items in one go. The results of the planned class can be transferred in mass.
  • The stock can be overseen from the back-finish of the administrator interface of the OpenCart Google Shopping Integration module. The recorded items can be taken out without any problem.
  • OpenCart Google Shopping Connector permits the traders to make feeds and timetable their transfer.
  • The administrator can set the nation and the comparing language for feed.
  • The Google Shopping mix module takes into consideration simple joining. The administrator can download the feed document and transfer it to Google Merchant Center.
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